The OCI (Ontario Centre of Innovation) believes that the 2022 movement “Quiet Quitting” is hindering innovation, positive workplace culture, and may have an impact on employee performance reviews - consequently leading to potential layoffs and dismissals. 
Help OCI launch a campaign AGAINST the "Quiet Quitting" movement. The underlying concept of the campaign must promote some kind of "anti-quiet-quitting" action on the part of the viewer.
The target audience for OCI is the following:
Torontonians: This is an Ontario-based campaign that intends to hit the urban hub of Toronto. 
Employees: People who work and may need to be reminded that meaningful employment during tough economic times might come with some amount of sacrifice. 
Employers: Recruiters/Managers who may need to take a look into the workplace culture they are overseeing.
We would like no less than 6 executions of ads in several categories of consumable media as a campaign.
Given the seemingly permanent status of "Under Construction" in Toronto, we can take advantage of the hoardings with a multi-panel ad, each one showing a "review" of quiet quitting. 
With well-educated takes, opinions, and fresh new perspectives on the movement on display, this ad intends to break free of the usual unaware or misinformed takes, such as how quiet quitting only hurts big companies. This ad is meant to inspire in the audience a different direction in thinking.
 Out-of-home BUS SHELTER
It’s not just the company that gets screwed over when the common worker decides to quiet quit, it’s the global economy... which will bite the common worker back. We point out that while the problem starts at the top with employers, employees aren't safe from the consequences of the movement either. 
This ad attempts to unite both on the basis of a common ground.
Packaging advertising + PARTNERSHIP with Wonder
The headline is a play on the famous "best before" expiration date everybody and their mother knows about. The label, used ironically here, implies that this product is enjoyed best before the manufacturers quit working so hard. This is meant to prompt the consumer to think about the consequences of such a movement.
This ad is a reminder that the food is a result of the hard manual labour of real working people, and your supply is dependent on that continuance.
This postcard would be mass-mailed to residents throughout Toronto, targeting the downtown core and high-volume shopping areas. Residents and businesses alike rely hugely on postal efficiency.
The objective of this execution, aside from hopefully making people laugh, is to highlight a profession that everybody crucially relies on. Its point is to prompt people to think about how the movement might affect them if certain workers were to quiet-quit. What about other workers whose work ethic is imperative to the proper functioning of society?
Placed in the middle of a magazine, this ad means to parody a trashy magazine cover, intended to humour the reader in thinking about how quiet quitting gets you “who-gives-a-damn” results. This is a commentary on the poor work ethic and low-effort solutions exhibited by quiet quitters. 
Regardless of how people may feel about it, the landlord plays a crucial role in society. This ad subtly places the reader in a scenario where someone (a common renter) is being screwed by a quiet quitter.
A large motion display at Dundas Square in Toronto depicts a short looping video of the Uber app being used to find a ride. The driver’s route is indirect as he uses classic quiet quitting excuses to justify a mediocre ride.
The takeaway here is that quiet quitting is a trickle-down system. Neglect felt from above makes its way down below and can affect you, too. Companies need to create a more supportive working environment. Uber can also benefit from the PR of acknowledging this issue and publicly endorsing a positive company culture.
Programs Used:
Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator
​​​​​​​STEP 1
Market Research & Data Collection
Familiarize with Brand Style Guide & Mission/Values
Choose Executions Based on Market Research
Begin Drafts and Old Mockups
Receive Criticism, Pivot, Remake Finals

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